Shopping, anyone would certainly love to choose some nice stuff and could bring home a home. And one way a practical shopping can now through the internet, or online. All friends need to know that there are also weaknesses behind the ease of shopping online. Especially when shopping online using a credit card. It's been a lot happening theft credit card access over the internet. Like a knife it can to cut can also injure yourself, that's the internet.
One of the coolest capabilities is currently the internet, you are not bound by geographic location when use it. This is very useful when you are shopping. Before the internet became a common thing at this time, you're stuck with the selection and prices in shops surrounding your home, now you can shop anywhere, anytime and you can be very selective.
Of course, there are some risks that arise with online shopping. Though identity theft is more common in the real world but quite frequently done online, as well as credit card fraud. So security while shopping online is paramount. Here are five tips for safe online shopping :
The question is,how sure are we that this transaction secure?
You own that must maintain the security of on line transactions
- Select a credit card rather than a Debit: you may not often hear the advice touse a credit card instead of a debit card or cash but if you must do this.Credit cards offer protection from identity theft and debit cards don't offer this. As long as you reports cam fraud within 30 or 60 days (depending on the company). But if using a debit card online and some one getting access to your debit card, they can clean out your account balance.Chances are you will get that money back but could possibly take a long time and that you will not get all of it. So use a credit card and pay the monthly bills paid off.
- Make sure the Security's Website: there are different levels of security that are available online and some websites do not offer online shopping safe.That means that the smart criminals can see everything that you put in the form on the site, including personal information and credit card.You can tell if a site is secure by looking at the URL.A secure web site that starts with HTTPS://instead of http://. A secure site will also have a small lock icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Don't shop for Public Places: If you plan to do online shopping, do it at home.You can shop at lingerie and can do so at any time, day or night.You also know that any one accessing your home computer. If using a public computer at the library, in an Internet café or at work for online shopping, you have no control over who might be ready to use that computer as well. You also have no control over the type of spyware or malware can infect your computer. Shopping at home. It's much more secure.
- Do not save the information somewhere else: many shopping sites, even a superior offers the ability to store credit card information on their servers to speed up the process of shopping. Imagine Shopper-Deals. Info with one-click shopping facilities. This is obviously more quickly but there are some risks to maintain your personal information in other places.If the company has a data breach shopping, your personal information may beat risk.
- Take time to shop safely and be careful with the sites that you choose to shop so that your identity is not stolen in the transaction process.
- Usea third-partypayment, such asPayPal,e-Gold,and others.First weregisteras a member ofPayPal,we thenenter the amounttoour accountat PayPal.Of coursewitha credit card.Thoughwitha credit card,a site likePayPalis guaranteedsecure.Laterif itwants topayto the sitestore online, simplywith the transferofour accountin PayPal.Althoughfor thatsitesellersshould alsohavea PayPal account,butlatermore and more of the webaccept paymentviaPayPal.Logically,we do notneed to entera credit cardwein all sitesto the newsite ismuch lesswell known,certainlythis is moresecure.
- Use thefinancial service providerwhich providesan extralevel of security— ifyou usefinancial servicesprovidesan extralevel of securitywhenshopping online, they will bebetter preparedto protectthe confidential informationof the card holder.This is usually doneby providinga password(password)additionalknown only tothe card holder.For example,forholders ofMasterCardwill acceptMasterCard SecureCode.This security featureprovidesadditional protectionforthecard holderfromhackers(hackers) andcharlatansin thevirtual world,as well as providingonline safetyat all levels.
- Readthe rules ofprivacy (privacy policy)that is present inthe site'sonline store.This rulestatedwhat will happenwith your dataafterthesite isstored in the database.At the same timeensuring thatthe provider of the sitestatedwill not sellonother parties.As withthe security certificate,the site withthe privacyruleshave beencheckedby independentpartiescan put upa logowhich meansits privacyrulesdo not violatethe lawand protectconsumers.
- Keep arecord ofthe transaction andpaymentonline-remember tocheck thepayment detailsbefore makingfinal payment.Alsocheckthe goods andrefund policyscope ofthe protection ofyour personal data.Lastly,print proofof transaction, geta copy of thee-maildirectly to youand make surethat the amount ofthe purchasefit the billyou at theend of the mont.
The ease of shopping via the internet is indeed tempting, all you find is there, when it got to the stage of payment, security issues are a source of reluctance for some people. Shop online from abroad generally require payment by credit card.
The question is,how sure are we that this transaction secure?
You own that must maintain the security of on line transactions