Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cyst In Woman
The cyst is basically a network is not normal, shaped like a pouch, which can be found in any part of the body. The cysts usually contain "content" in the form of gas, liquid, viscous or liquid or semi-solid, and neighboring districts has outer walls of the surrounding normal tissues

The term "cyst" may already we often hear. The cyst is basically a network is not normal, shaped like a pouch, which can be found in any part of the body. The cysts usually contain "content" in the form of gas, liquid, viscous or liquid or semi-solid, and neighboring districts has outer walls of the surrounding normal tissue, called a capsule. The cyst can be small and can only look if observed with a microscope, but it can also grow to a very large size so that shifting or pressing the normal tissues of the body.

The cyst can arise in different types of tissues and organs of the body, and is usually named after the location where the cyst was discovered. For example, ovarian cysts or ovarian, breast cysts, cysts on the kidneys, cysts on the skin, in the thyroid, and so on. In addition, there are also types of cysts that have specific naming off site anatomisnya. Like a dermoid cyst, a type of benign tumor in ovaries containing multiple types of tissue such as hair and nails, or cyst, the cyst type that appears around the tendons, and most often found in the wrist.

Where It Came From The Cyst?

A cyst is a type of condition that is very common and can occur in all age groups. The cause is very diverse. The existence of failure or diversion during development of the embryo can cause the onset of cyst that can be observed from birth. The aging of the body's organs and a small blockage in the flow of body fluids can also cause the onset of cysts, as well as various disease processes such as infections, tumors, chronic inflammation, and some kind of disease that lowered.

Unlike the cysts with Tumor

Cyst in contrast with tumor, viewed from its form and its content, where the cyst is a SAC-shaped with either a liquid or liquid semi solid, whereas tumor tends to be crowded because it consists of cells. Although most cysts are benign, but as the tumor, cysts also can develop into malignant.

How Do Symptoms Of Cysts?

Even small-sized Cyst was on the organ in the body usually will not cause any symptoms. Symptoms will arise if the size of the cyst enlarges, is big enough to cause disruption to surrounding tissues, or release a substance that affects the body's work, such as ovarian cysts.

Cysts on the skin area or tissue just under the skin can be recognized as a lump that no pain, with the consistency of soft to hard. If the cyst arising as a result of disease processes such as infection or tumor, symptoms are influenced by the location, severity, and the extent of the disease.

Specifically for large ovarian cysts, symptoms include discomfort in the abdomen, urinary desires that often (when the position of the cyst pressing the bladder), pelvic pain before or after menstruation, painful moments of sex, to nausea, vomiting, or pain on the breast as experienced during pregnancy.

Though cysts are generally harmless, but in some circumstances, the cyst may be harmful and should be immediately addressed, such as on the cyst ruptured or twisted. Symptoms include pelvic or abdominal pain that is sudden and very severe, pain accompanied by fever or vomiting, or symptoms of shock (renjatan), as the skin is cold and sweating, rapid breathing, and a feeling of weakness or want to faint.

If The Cyst Can Cause Infertility?

Cysts on the ovaries can cause infertility, if the cyst is large to suppress and undermine the normal ovarian tissue. In addition, some specific conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and cysts due to a uterine wall tissue growth outside of the uterus, can also cause irregular menstrual cycle, so that conception is more difficult to happen.

How To Treat Cysts?

Cyst treatment varies, depending on the size, location and cause. The cysts are small and do not cause any symptoms do not require special handling, and just need to observed development. Some types of cysts can even disappear by itself over time, such as follicle cyst and corpus luteum cysts on the ovaries.

Sometimes the cyst can be treated by removing its contents using a sterile syringe and needle. Surgical treatment is indicated on a very large-sized cyst or if cysts could potentially become cancerous and diagnosis should be done to find out.

If the cyst arising as a result of the treatment process in the long term, for example, on polycystic ovarian syndrome or fibrokistik on the breast, therapeutic directed against the underlying origin of disease incidence of cysts.

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