Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Secrets Of Grateful

A housewife told me at length to me about her life and how the suffering then God always accompany his footsteps in any agony. Secretly I realized that this old mom a kasyaf. He then tells the story--such as which I will describe below--and asked me to preach it to others. "If you tell, the more people are going to believe, in contrast to the if I preach to them," he said with a smile. And here's the story:

"One time I invited Angel to the door of the sky first. Ku see multitudes of angels there and all of them are busy. I asked what their working on. Angels who accompany me would answer: "this first in heaven the Angels were busy receiving and sorting all of the inhabitants of the Earth. Each second of a great many who prayed and asked for — it. Everything is recorded and that's why the angels are busy as hell ".

"Then I was invited to the second heaven. There I saw there is a super fast jets and also I saw there was a car that old truck his way very slowly. Understand with amazement, wrote the accompanying angel said: "here the place God sent the Angel to take a variety of prayers and requests. Well, there is a nice replied to very quickly is the order delivered to jet aircraft, and no reply to reply to the slow course of the spt dg old truck. Well, consider how your request so that it can be replied to dg fast by God. We were in the sky both busy delivering behind all the requests from the inhabitants of the Earth. "

"I was then invited to the third heaven. It turns out that there is only one angel who sits while nodding off. There is no preoccupation here. I was told to immediately ask the Angel wrote it sitting alone. "What's here?" I said. Angel glanced at and answered while yawning: "my shift that is receiving a thank-you from the inhabitants of the Earth which was already granted. You can see for yourself, it turns out I'm menungggu to get bored because there are rarely willing to inhabitants of the Earth thankful. They're just busy ask and pray. They rarely give thanks. They thank God. You return to Earth, spread on kawan-kawanmu, make the angels in the third heaven is busy receiving thanks and gratitude to you guys. Do not let us sit bored waiting here. "

That's the story told the mother to me. You want to believe it or not, it's up to each. That is clearly the main message I continue: don't just get lost ask and pray, but then forget to be thankful and grateful.

"And (remember also), when Perhaps tells," unless you are grateful, for sure We will add (favors) to you, and if you deny (my favor), then surely my Doom is very poignant "(Ibrahim: 7)
Gratitude is a form of positive attitude feeling, that is, feel comfortable and calm in any situation. Other forms of positive feeling is a sense of patient and sincere.
In the law of attraction of the universe or the law of attraction: the resemblance will be interesting similarities. Something that will attract the positively charged something positively as well. Instead of something that will attract the negatively charged something negatively charged. Law of attraction universe is different from the magnetic pull style, where the positive pole negative pole will be interesting.

One example of a positively charged things in this universe is the human mind which is always a positive feeling. While gratitude is part of positive feeling. So Thanksgiving is any positively charged. Conversely, not being grateful is a thing that is negatively charged. By understanding it, it's easy for us to know the mechanism of why gratitude would add to delicious, while the kufur will reduce delights.

Tried looking for the positive side of each event is one of the branches of gratitude. Charge, positive charge. The model of this multi-faceted gratitude, not limited only on Thanksgiving favors but Thanksgiving in terms of a less pleasing in the sight of human beings as well. When we are sick in one of our members, are grateful that members of the other body still given the healthy. When it gets ugly when the value of the College, are grateful for not rated under it. When eating potluck dish, are grateful that there are still many brothers out there who eat only 3 times a day is difficult. And others.

Well, with getting used to thinking like that, then your mind and we'll form a positive charge. Automatically, the things in the universe are positively charged also will be attracted to come to us. For example, gradually the pain in our members being reduced, suddenly the lecturer was kind enough to value us because we reached the student courteous to lecturer?? Maybe

"And if the trees on the Earth into a pen and the sea became ink added to her seven seas again after drying, undoubtedly will not be inexhaustible written word of God (the science). Verily, Allâh is all-Mighty again Supreme wisdom. " (QS Luqman: 27)

Early in the morning I've made cruel with a banner that I see on my way to the Office, in the area of Rubber Java, Jakarta. Banners that are more or less contained the words "strictly prohibited eating, drinking, and smoking in public places (during Ramadan)." Whether intentionally or not, the banners were installed in front of a church.

As a non-Muslim, I really appreciate the fellow Muslims who fast. I am amazed at their firmness and their ability to withstand hunger, thirst and anger throughout the day as the embodiment of their obedience to God. I myself never try fasting, but midday was already hunger and ultimately cancel those intentions. Therefore, personally I always try to not do things that if a person fasts can be annoying.

But such efforts certainly could not be disamaratakan in any circumstances, even very depending on the context. When I was in HIGH-SCHOOL (belonging to the Catholic Foundation), the number of pupils who fast are not many and they are my good friends. Often me and my friends who are not fasting thus joking and teasing those who fasted with the offer of food or drink. But none of those offended. They responded by laughing and just teasing us. One of two people who are "more prudent" response to the us, "gue wrote, Would reward so more because digodain you guys". Then we all else laughed. By the time we arrived home, braving Lebaran comrades Muslims to congratulate and share happiness (and of course eating ketupat free).

In another context, that of the month of Ramadan a few years ago, I was tasked to a village in Werinama Subdistrict, Central Eastern part; the (almost) the entire population to Islam. Given that at the moment it is a month of fasting and the area wracked by sectarian conflict had several years earlier, I decided to very cautious (even hiding) when it was about to eat during the day. Do not let anyone see it and offended to see me eat. We arrived at an Inn, and accepted by a pack of thin, bearded Haji berkopiah, the owner of the residence. The Inn décor is absolutely Un-islamic. Its walls filled with quote verses of the Quran Arabic and Islamic-theme paintings. It seems that Mr. Hajj was a prominent figure in the village are feared.

Remember we will spend a few nights there, I am posting my friends briefing (foreign satunyaorang) to very careful if want to eat, smoke, or minumpada during the day. Do not let the residents there, especially our host, offended. Finish putting stuff in my room, Mr. Haji approached and whispered softly, "in addition to the foreigners, there are no long have to fast?" I replied that not all coincidence. Heard my answer, Mr. Haji said, "Oh, OK" and with alacrity towards the kitchen and asked his wife to prepare hot tea and bread for us. In reflex, I immediately said that was not necessary because we will soon be left out to run errands. However, he immediately cut, "don't! You guys are my guests, and therefore I have to entertain you. This teaching of religion, much less right now is the holy month. Furthermore, it is included in the package stay. " As a result, I was very surprised and did not dare to refuse hospitality. On the last night before we go home, we are breaking the fast together. Pak Haji and his wife fill out our tuna and very tasty deer meat. He said a new entangled in the Woods not far from the village and cut the flesh more tender then Islamic. While eating, he recounts the history of Islam and some of the great figures of Islam. Very enlightening.

Back to the present. Perhaps it was this experience that made me feel very sultry with banners. As a citizen of Indonesia-which is not the State religion; I have the right to eat, drink, and smoke anywhere I want as long as it doesn't violate the rule of law (e.g.: smoke in the area of the hospital). But when I limit the use of those rights during the month of Ramadan, should it be my personal decision as the embodiment of my tolerance towards those who fast; and not because the prohibition or imposition of certain parties such as written on the banner. Especially if the ban was made by the party who does not have the legal authority to make the ban on the public. If it is allowed, I worry about the meaning of religious tolerance itself would be reduced to just a duty imposed.

In the end, I think the main key of the tolerance that is the awareness and willingness of one group to answer its due part for the sake of other groups. Thus, in the context of the fasting month, was befitting a person who is not fasting appreciate people who are fasting. But on the contrary, it should appreciate that the fasting person does not fast; like the example given my teacher, Mr. Haji innkeeper at Werinama. I am sure our world would be a little more beautiful with the presence of genuine tolerance.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Dampen Anger When Fasting

The fast of Ramadan is not worship. In order to be successful through it, not only need physical readiness, but also mentally. That is why, despite her public appeal aimed at all people of faith, "o believers, you obligated fast as obligatory upon those before you in order that ye righteous" (QS. Al-Baqara: 183). But in practice, when a particular situation overrides, such as when ill, people allowed to cancel it, with notes, if still strong physical condition must be replaced it on the other day.

May be due to this no easier & tastier as imaginable, then do not be surprised if the Almighty Allah much spreading "bonus" in it,
One temptation will appear in addition to the course fast, epoch wishes to eat and drink during the day, with regards to the craving to shed anger.

Whereas, when the emotions of the fasting person is tested in such a manner, the Messenger of Allaah ' Alaihi wasallam advised, to fight him with these words:
إِنِّيْ صَائِمٌ، إِنِّيْ صَائِمٌ.
"I'm fasting. I'm fasting. " (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim, Kitab Al-Fath: 4/103).

Referers angry?
There are at least two reasons, why when the fast easy angry desire to come: first, for the emergence of the phenomenon of hangry, irritability (angry) when the stomach hungry (hungry). Research in the United States shows that the condition is related to the situation of a low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which will further spread, making the levels of glucose in the brain is also low.

According to Jeremy Nicholson, from Imperial College London, while low levels of glucose, the brain's functions can not run well. The power of reason can fade, and the subsequent emotions so labile emotions – control generally would appear when someone alpa mengasupkan food for more than eight hours.

Because of this situation, a study found the existence of a potential rift that led to the split in the household. This occurs when one of the couples who suffer from hypoglycemia ujug-ujug exploded because of things that are actually trivial.

And second, because the temperature factor. forecast temperatures when Ramadan this time is in the range of 32-35 degrees Celsius.

A hot day is not only able to make the body uncomfortable but also completely erode the patience. Said Nancy Molitor, a Clinical psychiatrist and expert on behavior at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, such conditions could cause sleeplessness, dehydration and limited daily activities, such as forced to barricade themselves in an Office to avoid the midday sun. Do not be surprised if therefore occurred a worsening of mood that caused people irritable.

Various Tricks
Because the burst of anger, in addition can make desperate friendship relationships including the brotherhood, are sometimes also reduce the value of fasting of Ramadan, it needs to be attempted, a variety of tricks to control it.
Here are some of the trip can be done so that the anger could be muted

1. Multiply the Dhikr.

The word of God Almighty, "(people that repentance that is) those who are believers, their hearts are still with the remembrance of God (dzikrullah). Remember, with dzikrullah, the heart becomes quiet (QS Ar-Ra'du, [13]: 28), "it's difficult to argue with the truth.

Revealed Bastaman (2011), research results Effa Naila Hady, a psychologist who once conducted a series of in-depth interviews about the motivation, and the benefits of doing a dzikrullah on a group of devotees of the dzikrullah in Alkah Baitul Amin, Cilandak, Jakarta, found, the emergence of a feeling of calm and actually feel a life more serene and meaningful after the respondennya melazimkan themselves practiced dzikrullah.

2. Ablution, ghusl and pray

The Messenger of Allaah ' Alaihi wa Sallam Witchcraft encourages people to somewhere in order to defuse the anger. His words were, "If you are angry it somewhere yourselves." (Narrated by Ahmad in his musnad).

If this way is considered less steady, it never hurts as well for all. And if still not died down, too, immediately do the prayer. Strive for a session now.

3. Switch from a situation that angered.
If the person who chained the emotions at home, immediately moved to another room, look for the alternatives that could make comfortable, or better yet go to mosques. So if not being at home

4. Pull the breath deeply for 5-10 seconds.
Pull the breath slowly through your nose, and then hembuskan through the mouth. Enjoy and feel the correct movement of the air occurs. Focus on the counting of time, rather than on issues that rile.

5. Think short solutions to address them. Plan carefully and write down.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Treatment of Alcoholics the Natural Way

Alcoholism Or Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is a pathological syndrome that one can not stop consuming alcohol.
Alcoholics typically has a face swollen, red eyes and suffering from tachycardia. They like mad and very sensitive.
Vomiting, delirious and sleep disorders are the most common symptoms among those who suffer from alcoholism. Alcohol abuse causes damage to the liver and cause cirrhosis. It can also cause upset stomachs and intestines, cells of the brain and the heart.

ADDICTION is a disease that very harming. Every form of addiction is always related to a series of neurosirkuit complex in the brain that fails to produce the chemical known as dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for feeling happy and reduce the negative feelings. If inadequate dopamine, someone will probably require a substance or activity that could reduce its negative feelings.

Addiction imposes on a person. Addiction can leads to compulsive behavior, hooked on smoking, sexual activity, dependence on alcohol and drugs. How do I stop it?

First step, get help, first in the classical steps of the restoration is to acknowledge the existence of a problem and need help. If the desire for change is already there, a lot of organizations that can be contacted to get help. The next step, rehabilitation. A successful recovery usually involves some sort of programs to overcome addiction. The issue could be with the rehabilitation or outpatient programs. The program could have in the short term and long term. In terms of the results of not revealing the difference in meaning, even though addicts who undergo treatment relapse more rarely long term.

The third step, the support of compatriots. Involvement in groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is important. Interact with people who have addictions and problems in life. People who are in a period of recovery ever so more reflective, open and increasingly desirous of reducing alcohol consumption or smoking. The fourth step, with the treatment of atlernatif:


Yoga involves a number of postures that integrate body and mind. Based on the study, yoga exercises increase muscle strength and also the flexibility of the body. With the discipline of doing yoga training, then the result is amazingly able to provide vision and body condition much more fit. Yoga of the various establishments indeed can significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression, as well as improve sleep patterns.

Awareness Exercises

Awareness exercise is a form of meditation that focused breathing and body sensations. In addition to training the Vipasana called Buddhists, can also do meditation. When the meditation activity done regularly and continually, then slow-sea of mind and consciousness will be strong, so that perpetrators of meditation will have tranquility, peace and love. However, the problem is an addict will face the problem of being able to concentrate very well. She tends to not be focused and often reflect on the negative things that drive more compulsive behavior. 
With continuous practice of meditation, then slowly but surely will help people to focus their attention and encouraging a positive attitude towards that experience.


A recent study declared the sport has tremendous impact against addiction. Such as running, cycling, swimming in the distance then it can improve heart function and breathing. With fresh and healthy body then creative energy will appear. If this impulse can be directed towards activities that are positive, then someone will surely be better. Sports can indeed facilitate the recovery of the body by increasing blood flow to the brain. Sport can stimulate spending on chemicals in the brain. The influence of sports can provide feelings of love to such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.


Addiction sufferers generally undernourished and many are consuming sugar, junk food, fast food, caffeine and saturated fat. It is recommended to run the program a diet high in protein and fat. A must dikomsumsi is a kind of food such as chicken, lamb, organic meat and butter. The proportion of the diet, consisting of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat. Nutrient dense fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes should also be dikomsumsi. Would better consult a nutritionist can help you plan your diet according to your needs.


The lack of intake for people who were at the time of recovery, can eat special supplements to compensate for the needs of the body's response to nutrients.

Multivitamins, multivitamin consumption once a day is arguably quite well. However, for men, better not taking supplements that contain iron unless indeed suffered iron deficiency.

  1. Omega-3 essential fatty acids, Omega-3 help stabilize mood, improve communication antarsaraf and support the growing swell of brain cells. Daily dose of essential fatty acids Omega-3 which should be provided at least 1000 mg eicosapentaenoic acid and 300-750 mg of docosahexaenoic acid.
  2. Vitamin B complex, vitamin B raise mood, reduce anxiety and increase energy. Because people in recovery are usually stressed, they need vitamin B intake is large enough. Vitamin B complex supplements including 50-100 mg of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6; 200-500 mg vitamin B12; as well as 200-1000 mcg of folic acid. The effective dose is 1-3 pills a day after meals.
  3. Vitamin C, helps maintain the body's balance. Many types of addiction that needs lots of vitamin C to the metabolism of the body so that the vitamin C antioxidant important material to protect from stress and tissue damage. Normal doses that can be tolerated and effective is 1,000 mg 3 times a day while eating, but for some people who in times of recovery may have to take a number.
  4. N-acetylcysteine, the amino acid N-acetylcysteine (NAC) emerged as one of the most important supplements to support the recovery of the body. A leading theory about the compulsive behavior stated in the glutamatergic system set up NAC's brain so that it is able to reduce addiction and compulsive behavior. The effective dose is 2,000-2,400 mg once daily 30-45 minutes before breakfast. This should be taken without food or other amino acids from protein which will interfere with the effectiveness of the NAC. Normally there are no side effects with the NAC but some patients complained about the presence of disorders of the stomach.
  5. Rhodiola rhodiola, herbal remedies are very effective for relieving depression, anxiety and fatigue. Rhodiola improves working with chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. This substance also soften the stress by creating a body (and mind) more resistant to physiological impact of harmful stress such as increased levels of cortisol. Terapinya dose ranges between 500-650 mg of the extract of terstandardisasi contains three percent rosavin and salidroside one percent. Though many who recommended rhodiola drink empty stomach, sometimes this can cause nausea and vomiting. To prevent the side effects of rhodiola, drinking at breakfast in the morning.
Natural treatment for alcoholism

Treating alcohol addiction with grapes
One solution to alcoholism is a pattern of eating behavior is exclusive to one month or more, made from grapes. Considering that this fruit contains alcohol in its purest form, is a very good substitute for alcohol. Food made from fresh grapes up to three times a day, with an interval of about five hours. The result of this treatment is also highly dependent on the willingness of both from alcoholics to stop drinking.

Treating alcohol addiction with apples
Apples are a useful natural cure for alcoholism. consume fruits apples are excellent in helping clean up the poisoning.

Treating alcohol addiction using the vegetable celery
Raw celery juice has become a good treatment for alcoholism. Mix a half cup of celery juice with half a glass of water, and drink a glass a day for a month.

Diet for alcoholics

One of the most effective ways to recover from alcohol addiction is to follow a diet that helps the body to not have to "need" of alcohol. This is good to consume a lot of juice at least in the first ten days of treatment, where patients will feel less and less need to use alcohol. This is good to eat more frequently and in small quantities, not two or three large meals. It has also been outdoors need to practice a lot.
It's good to avoid foods such as rice, sugar, spice, white flour and meat.
Avoid smoking is very important because smoking may increase the desire to consume alcohol.



Healthy After Eating Meat

Here are a few tips so that your health when consuming meat or "party meat" does not pose a health problem.
Inevitably, when Idhul Adha we would definitely eat meat. Because shahibul qurban indeed suggested a meat eating animal is slaughtered. Here are a few tips so that your health when consuming meat or "party meat" does not pose a health problem.
healthy after eating mest

For those who have a history of gastrointestinal disease or hypertension, you should eat sparingly and do not dissolve in "party meat"
Then select the number of foods that are good, such as petrol already eat a lot of meat, don't add more eating goulash. Search additional material that does not cause health problems such as oil, coconut milk, spices. Better is in the form of processed meat with soup.
Avoid fatty, for example with fats and satay or goulash soup that exists in its own fat. So too with sweets and drink sweets
Also the consumption of fruits and vegetables. For example cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Fruit can offset the excessive amount of calories.
Don't forget exercise, with the sport then the blood flow becomes smooth and certainly can throw off the excess calories that caused when consuming goat meat processed.
For those who suffer from hypertension severe enough, it just tasted alone or if there are other meats such as fish or chicken, should be redirected at this type of meat. And the most important thing is to remember that hypertension is a disease pattern of life, and terapinya in medicine not only drugs but also improve the pattern of life.
Should we don't overeat and keep what we eat. As reminded by the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam. He said,

ما ملأ آدميٌّ وعاءً شرًّا من بطن، بحسب ابن آدم أكلات يُقمن صلبَه، فإن كان لا محالة، فثُلثٌ لطعامه، وثلثٌ لشرابه، وثلثٌ لنفَسِه

"It is not Adam meets a container worse than stomach. Suffice it for the son of Adam to eat the few suapan to enforce his back. But if he has to (beyond it), should one third of her stomach (filled) for food, one third for drinks, and one-third longer to breathe "(narrated by Al-tirmidhi, Sahih-kan by Al-albaani in Al-Silsila Al-Shahihah 2265)


Food from processed meat is very delicious. And if we already liked will likely continue to consume food is meat. That could lead to increased cholesterol up to hypertensy.
Cholesterol is one of the body fat or more commonly known by the name of lipids. As body fat, then cholesterol certainly has many functions in the body. Some of the functions of cholesterol as body fat such as tampering with the structure of cell membranes, protect the skin from toxins and the problem of drought, the formation of vitamin D (with UV rays) as well as to form bile acids in the gut.

However, if cholesterol levels are rising or high is certainly going to be a serious problem for the health of the body. Call it such as a result of high cholesterol levels is a disorder erection, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Foods to lower blood cholesterol

One way of lowering blood cholesterol levels is by eating healthy foods. Various types of foods proven to be able to help lower your cholesterol levels. The following are examples of foods that can to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood:

1. Tomato

Drinking two glasses of tomato juice each day to help lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

2. Pomegranate

The pomegranate fruit is good for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, specifically to reduce the buildup of cholesterol plaque as well as being able to increase the production of nitric oxide can help in reducing plaque in the arteries.

3. Avocado

Avocado fruit is consumed on a regular basis can help increase good cholesterol levels in the body.

4. Wine

Routine drinking two glasses of grape juice per day will maintain good cholesterol levels in your body.

5. Garlic

The pungent smell that evoked by this spice may not be to your liking. However, it turns out that garlic is very effective to help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. Try to consume one garlic clove per day to lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

6. A variety of refined soybean

In addition to lowering cholesterol in the blood, jahan tempeh and tofu can also be a great source of protein.

7. Nuts
Peanuts, walnuts, almonds and edamame contain omega 3 fats and antioxidants which are good for lowering levels of bad cholesterol in your body.

That's some food you can consume and enter in your daily diet menu to keep cholesterol levels in the blood remains controlled.

Does A Touch

Believe that every touch of your hand has a direct impact for people being touched? Take a look at The Beatles through the lyrics, "And when I touch you I feel happy inside ..." on the song I want to Hold Your Hand not talking just the sheer love of flattery, but it's more than that.

Touch is one of the body language and the very first thing that learned man. Unconsciously, the touching is the basic ways to show and spreading compassion.

In the scientific world, proven touch is part of the human need to communicate, and to support health. In the book A Natural History of the Senses Diane Ackerman, a touch of Bouquet has the ability is stronger than the word or string of emotional contact.

There is a unique function and quality of treatment, such as generating a response from the five senses. This occurs because when touch, there arose a splash-splashing on the human nervous system.

There are millions of cells of the connected sensor catcher on your skin and directly send signals to the spinal cord and brain. These cells allow humans to responsiveness on the surrounding environment and understand that occurs in the body.

Touch in relationships

At the touch of a partner, in the form of hand can be an expression of love. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Virginia doing research on married couples.

Trials conducted by installing the MRI machine and gives a mild electric shock in the eyes of the wife's feet. There are seen feeling restless and their negative emotions. However, when the husband started holding their hands, slowly but surely any stress is reduced.

The perceived feeling of safety caused by the loss of the wife of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone acts as a pressure relief and give rise to proximity to the couple. Then, when the grasping hands of loved ones, you're also giving a sense of comfort, protection and affection on them.

Not only in the developing romance, a touch also aggravate social relations. The bond between friends can be more powerful with a simple action, such as the cuddle when meeting or nearby when discussions.

The touch was able to tear down the self defense and growing confidence in each other. Little touches that stimulating the prefrontal lobe, the part that regulates emotion on the brain, to further open up.

Another benefit of touch is the real impact on children. The results of studies of the University of Miami Medical School noted, baby massage for 15 minutes three times a day can add weight baby as much as 47 percent than not got a touch. In addition, these activities can trigger the growth of the nervous system and the sensory abilities of infants significantly.
Warm to the touch from parents to children is the first step to creating a long term relationship. Children who grow up without parental warmth tend to be less sensitive and having difficulty empathizing.

Because its so amazing touch hands, even utilized in the health field. Hand touch therapy began to be used to help sufferers of chronic diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's reduces the pain.

In technology, the magic touch can also be found on the feature phones Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. This Smartphone has a Browse Edge, i.e. the slide on the screen to save the five people closest contact to make it more accessible.

In addition, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge provides the function of double tap on the home button so that it is within 0.7 seconds the camera can take pictures quickly. The back button next to any major cameras keep a secret. This button can help you divert calls to a short message with just one touch.

Well, still doubt the power of a touch?