Wednesday, August 5, 2015

American Muslim Teens Hijab Campaign
It aims to counter misconceptions about the hijab (headscarf), muslim teens in the United States launched a project of a social experiment in which muslim women and non-Muslims were invited to try to wear the hijab in public places and share their experiences.

Project hijab launched late December 2013 this is a social experiment for women both Muslims and non-Muslims as the beginning and addressed to women around the world, such as that spoken by the stages of Majeed, leader of the project on the website "The Hijab Project."

"Try to wear jilbabmu to school, mall, or other public places, and consider the reactions that people give to you. Do you look different? "

"Whether people memperlakukanmu differently? then part your experience here. If you are new to berhijab, tell us the story of hijabmu, "wrote Majeed

"Being a muslim who lives in the US, Majeed (16) started a project to bridge the gap between the religion of Islam with other religions and the real message behind a hijab."

Through this project are expected to bridge the mulim people and non-Muslims as well as through the means of eskperimen life style culture in the US to introduce Islam as a religion.

The effect of this Project aims to underline the hijab and the muslim woman as a selection highlight prestigious status given to women in Islam. It is at once replied that the use of the hijab on women is not a force from his brother. In Islam anything that is done depends on his intentions. Islam sees hijab as a mandatory code in dress not as a religious symbol that shows the person's affiliation.

The position of women in Islam is often used as the target of the assault secular media with many citing muslim fashion (blouse) as an example of the conquests of women under Islamic law.

Islam guarantees freedom of expression for women, political participation, business and financial rights and asked the entire community for those with high self-esteem and offer them respect as mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters.

Christian school students who follow the project hijab and participate in a social experiment that share their experience that wears the hijab makes them feel protected and provides them with an understanding and a different picture about Islam.
As a Muslim living in America, the gaping gap of ignorance exists between myself and others: my headscarf, otherwise known as the hijab. I pleat, fold, and fasten a piece of cloth over my head everyday before I go out, but the hijab means more to me than merely concealing my hair. In the religion of Islam, both Muslim men and women are expected to preserve their modesty, and from an Islamic point of view, the hijab contributes to the creation of a modest atmosphere. In an era where women are universally sexualized, Muslim women believe that the hijab can prevent this from happening. The Hijab Project is a social experiment that I’d like girls—both Muslim and non-Muslim—to begin. Try on your own headscarf to school, the mall or other public place, and observe the reactions that people give you. Are you looked at differently? Do people treat you differently? Then, share your experience here! If you currently wear a hijab, tell us your hijab story. A bridge of understanding needs to be built between Muslims and non-Muslims, and experiencing the lifestyle of a growing and often misunderstood culture in America is vital to shedding the lack of knowledge that many people have regarding Islam as a religion. I’m looking forward to hearing your hijab stories! السلام عليكم--[May peace be upon you] 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Basic Principle Of Educating Children

While this may be a lot we find a wide variety of patterns is a good education for the children. However, it cannot be denied that the pattern for a Muslim education is best sourced from the Qur'an.

Then, according to Ustadz Wijayanto, there are 14 basic principles of a Muslim family in educating children is based on the Qur'an. The following basic principles:

1. Your son is not the right one. They become your son, not because they desire, but the destiny of God. (Qur'an 28:68, Qur'an 42:49-50)

2. Because what God takdirkan for you, then that's the mandate that must be fulfilled. (QS 8:27-28)

3. Parents who want children. And your wish is your promise to God. Then fulfill your promise since God was asking for. (QS. 5:1, QS. 5:34, QS. 1:19-24)

4. God does not membebanimu beyond kesanggupanmu, then bersungguh-sungguhlah. (Qur'an 2:233, QS: 16.64, QS 3:102, QS. 22:78)

5. God does not mewajibkanmu form your son advanced in everything. God mewajibkanmu him being the son of Salih who was spared from the fire of hell. (Qur'an 66:6, QS. 46:15)

6. Do not expect kindness from your son when not educating them to be children who do good deeds. (QS 11 QS.: 46 7:59 pm)

7. Do not expect much on your son if you not mendidiknya properly. (QS. 5:24)

8. Didiklah your son according fitrahnya. (Qur'an 30:30)

9. Do not want of your son as the son of Salih Salih before you become. (QS. 61:2, QS. 66:6)

10. You shall not demand a portion of your son, before thou give debt. (QS. 1:5)

11. You shall not demand a portion of your son, until you meet the right of Allah upon you. (Qur'an 2:83, QS. 4:36, QS. 6:151, QS. 5:23-24)

12. Do all right on your son, even before they were born.

13. Thou shalt think about the end result of educating yourselves, but bersungguh-sungguhlah in educating. (QS 11:63)

14. Do not stop educating until the death of memisahkanmu. (QS. 15:99)

Newlyweds in Turkey Feed 4,000 Refugees Syria
The couple recently Turkey decided to share their joy on their wedding day by inviting 4,000 refugees Syria to eat and celebrate the wedding party in the city of Kilis.

Happiness can be distributed in many ways. The one with the wedding banquet of food distributed to thousands of citizens of Syria in the refugee camps.

Usually, the couple held a wedding celebration will do the buffet in the home or building. It is an express gratitude and celebration that can be enjoyed by many people.

Fethullah Polat and Esra Üzümcüoğlu who was married in the province which is adjacent to the borders of Syria at the weekend, inviting some of the refugees who fled to that country since the war began in Syria four years ago.

Turkey welcomed nearly two million refugees in Syria and Kilis there were 4,000 refugees where a charity Turkey Kimse Yok Mu is responsible for providing food for them, in the Telegraph on Tuesday (4/8/2015).

There are a total of 4 million refugees who fled Syria Syria, according to a U.N. report on last month. Nearly eight million people became displaced within the country.

The idea of a special day to share with those less fortunate is derived from the father of the groom, Ali Üzümcüoğlu. He told the newspaper that he hoped Kilis Serhat others will do the same and share the celebration of marriage with their brothers and sisters from Syria.

"We think that on this day the happier we'll be sharing a wedding with our brothers from Syria. We thought this was the best performed together Kimse Yok Mu that can give you a truck. In syaa God, it will move others to do the same and provide food for our brothers and sisters in Syria. For us, this is an interesting wedding night. "

"And it turns out it's much more beautiful than what we think. Hopefully this will also give you the first step to other wedding dinner which will be held here along with our brothers in Syria. Of course this is a very different wedding night, "he added.
The father also said he was glad the couple starting their new life by doing selfless acts like that. The wedding guests are sharing food with the use of trucks and food including the bridal couple itself.

Hatice Avci, Kimse Yok Mu spokesman told i100. that the couple collects the money they receive from their families to host a party with refugees living in and around the city.

The bridal couple says how happy they can share food with those in need.

Groom said he felt something great because it can make others happy.

"Seeing the joy in the eyes of the children of refugees Syria is priceless. We started our journey towards happiness by making others happy and it's a great feeling, "he said.

And his father will probably achieve her wish because of his son's friends say that they are so inspired and they hope to do the same during the celebration of their wedding day.
Arrival at the camp, many refugees who want to take a photo of the bride and groom. In addition, the wedding was also attended by Rashid Mukhtar.

More than 211,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict between the regime of Assad's regime and fighters that began in early 2011, according to a UN count.

Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq have been hold in the more than three million refugees Syria since the conflict started in 2011. The refugee crisis and Syria became the worst since World War II

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cyst In Woman
The cyst is basically a network is not normal, shaped like a pouch, which can be found in any part of the body. The cysts usually contain "content" in the form of gas, liquid, viscous or liquid or semi-solid, and neighboring districts has outer walls of the surrounding normal tissues

The term "cyst" may already we often hear. The cyst is basically a network is not normal, shaped like a pouch, which can be found in any part of the body. The cysts usually contain "content" in the form of gas, liquid, viscous or liquid or semi-solid, and neighboring districts has outer walls of the surrounding normal tissue, called a capsule. The cyst can be small and can only look if observed with a microscope, but it can also grow to a very large size so that shifting or pressing the normal tissues of the body.

The cyst can arise in different types of tissues and organs of the body, and is usually named after the location where the cyst was discovered. For example, ovarian cysts or ovarian, breast cysts, cysts on the kidneys, cysts on the skin, in the thyroid, and so on. In addition, there are also types of cysts that have specific naming off site anatomisnya. Like a dermoid cyst, a type of benign tumor in ovaries containing multiple types of tissue such as hair and nails, or cyst, the cyst type that appears around the tendons, and most often found in the wrist.

Where It Came From The Cyst?

A cyst is a type of condition that is very common and can occur in all age groups. The cause is very diverse. The existence of failure or diversion during development of the embryo can cause the onset of cyst that can be observed from birth. The aging of the body's organs and a small blockage in the flow of body fluids can also cause the onset of cysts, as well as various disease processes such as infections, tumors, chronic inflammation, and some kind of disease that lowered.

Unlike the cysts with Tumor

Cyst in contrast with tumor, viewed from its form and its content, where the cyst is a SAC-shaped with either a liquid or liquid semi solid, whereas tumor tends to be crowded because it consists of cells. Although most cysts are benign, but as the tumor, cysts also can develop into malignant.

How Do Symptoms Of Cysts?

Even small-sized Cyst was on the organ in the body usually will not cause any symptoms. Symptoms will arise if the size of the cyst enlarges, is big enough to cause disruption to surrounding tissues, or release a substance that affects the body's work, such as ovarian cysts.

Cysts on the skin area or tissue just under the skin can be recognized as a lump that no pain, with the consistency of soft to hard. If the cyst arising as a result of disease processes such as infection or tumor, symptoms are influenced by the location, severity, and the extent of the disease.

Specifically for large ovarian cysts, symptoms include discomfort in the abdomen, urinary desires that often (when the position of the cyst pressing the bladder), pelvic pain before or after menstruation, painful moments of sex, to nausea, vomiting, or pain on the breast as experienced during pregnancy.

Though cysts are generally harmless, but in some circumstances, the cyst may be harmful and should be immediately addressed, such as on the cyst ruptured or twisted. Symptoms include pelvic or abdominal pain that is sudden and very severe, pain accompanied by fever or vomiting, or symptoms of shock (renjatan), as the skin is cold and sweating, rapid breathing, and a feeling of weakness or want to faint.

If The Cyst Can Cause Infertility?

Cysts on the ovaries can cause infertility, if the cyst is large to suppress and undermine the normal ovarian tissue. In addition, some specific conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and cysts due to a uterine wall tissue growth outside of the uterus, can also cause irregular menstrual cycle, so that conception is more difficult to happen.

How To Treat Cysts?

Cyst treatment varies, depending on the size, location and cause. The cysts are small and do not cause any symptoms do not require special handling, and just need to observed development. Some types of cysts can even disappear by itself over time, such as follicle cyst and corpus luteum cysts on the ovaries.

Sometimes the cyst can be treated by removing its contents using a sterile syringe and needle. Surgical treatment is indicated on a very large-sized cyst or if cysts could potentially become cancerous and diagnosis should be done to find out.

If the cyst arising as a result of the treatment process in the long term, for example, on polycystic ovarian syndrome or fibrokistik on the breast, therapeutic directed against the underlying origin of disease incidence of cysts.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Beauty Of Austalia

In the country as multicultural Australia not only Muslims who do event iftaar. Australian Catholic University (ACU), the largest Catholic institution's host them on Tuesday (7/9), in one of its campus in Melbourne.

The event was held simultaneously with the opening of a prayer for the religion and beliefs of anything to use it.

In the event of Iftar that was attended by about 100 people from various walks of life organized by the ACU works closely with the Australian Intercultural Society (Intercultural Society Australia).

In the introduction, Dr. John Ballard of the ACU said the importance of a container for all the believers in the campus to have a place for them to pray or simply looking for tranquility. Hence, a prayer space for all those followers, according to Dr. John Ballard was deliberately placed in the leading space in the main building of the campus.

"Usually a room like this was placed in the lowest floor in dimly lit places. However, we see the importance of a room like this, and this would be an example which we will develop across 7 campuses ACU throughout Australia, "added Dr. John Ballard.

One of the uniqueness of the event Iftar together by the Australia Catholic University was that those present got the outpouring of spiritual side of Catholicism and Islam.

The event is called a reflection of it with the same theme of "Respect for the Sacred" (reverence for sacred things). From the Catholic party reflection presented by Sisters Cheryl Camp, while the Islamic party presented by Zuleyha Keskin, both of whom were educated doctoral in ACU.

In his, both Camp and Keskin explained how in everyday life they got the sample between the adherents of a religion that respects what is done by the followers of other religions.

Continue what you've just done IT by opening the prayer space multi trust, Keskin Zuleyha said that it would be beautiful in a time or place, each religion in this world could use places of worship of other religions.

"It would be good if there are adherents of islam that could be to the Church, or the Hindu worshippers could pray in the synagogue, or Catholics pray at Buddhist temples," said Keskin Zuleyha. in cultural entertainment events, also displayed the Catholic culture and Islamic culture.

For the sufi Islamic culture dance performed by two men, while three of the singers chant the prayers and songs of Taize.
As well as places of worship, starting to get sympathy from citizens of Australia.
Mark Jamieson, the Mayor of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, confirmed the decision to allow the establishment of a mosque in the area of Maroochydore in the city is appropriate allocation.

Permission changes to building into the mosque was proposed by Muslim organisation the Sunshine Coast (MoSC) and has been approved by local governments.

According to the Mayor of Jamieson, the petition was approved because it is in line with the Government's plans to develop a new city. "That area along with other areas along the Sunshine Coast is seen as a suitable place of worship," he told ABC, Wednesday (8/7).

"Mosques are places of worship. It's been right that these things are handled by our employees, otherwise it will be the political sphere, "said the Mayor of Jamieson.

The local muslim community purchased the building in the area of Maroochydore it previously belongs the Uniting Church Church last year.

Since then, two groups of anti Islam continue to make the protests and demonstrations against the establishment of a mosque.

According to the Mayor of Jamieson, it checks the mosque application solely on the basis of the terms of the existing town planning.

"We are not responsible for foreign policy, we are not responsible for border control of our country," he said.

"We are only responsible for city planning, and our approach is fair and pure associated with it," stated the Mayor of Jamieson.

He said, "is to use the existing building, rather than a new building, so that it will meet the needs of the Muslim community on the Sunshine Coast."

Like most establishment of mosques in Australia's Sunshine Coast, the mosque also sparked protests from a number of circles.

But, uniquely, a rival of the other citizens of the demo which supports also occurred in this case.

Residents who support freedom of religion did the action by bringing various posters, for example stating "we're better than bigotry", referring to opponents of the mosque.

Meanwhile the Mayor of Jamieson explained that his city had been planning for an increase of about 150 thousand inhabitants in the next 20 years.

"Of course this number is higher than average population growth in other parts of Australia, but it is caused by the popularity of the Sunshine Coast as an ideal location," he said.